Deity Profile: Athena

Goddess of:  War and Wisdom, Arts and Crafts


  • Zeus - Father

  • Pallas - Childhood Friend

  • Metis - Mother


  • Aegis, Spear, Helmet & armour, Spindle,

  • Owls, Spiders, Eagles, Doves, Rams, Snakes, Olives


  • Olive tree, Oak tree, Cypress tree, Citrus trees

  • Geranium, Tiger Lily

  • Chamomile


  • Royal blue

  • White

  • Grey

  • Yellow

  • Red


  • Frankincense

  • Sage

  • Patchouli

  • Cinnamon

  • Cedarwood


Athena is seen as a stately woman carrying her shield, the Aegis. She is also seen with Owl imagery to represent her wise wisdom and decision making.


Athena’s birth is a fantastic tale. Zeus’s first wife was Metis, an Oceanid. She was the goddess of wisdom, prudence and deep thought.

It was prophecised that they would have two children. The first, a daughter and the second a son, who would be so powerful he will overthrow Zeus. 

Terrified of this prediction, Zeus tricked Metis into turning into a fly and swallowed her. Unbeknownst to Zeus, Metis was already pregnant. Being wise she created a helmet to protect her daughter. Zeus was suffering from horrendous headaches and asked Hephestus, the God of Blacksmiths and Fire, to split open his head to relieve the pressure. Athena emerged as a fully formed adult, dressed in her armour.

Although she is wise, she is also a vengeful goddess. Poseidon, God of the Sea, raped a mortal girl Medusa and got her pregnant in the Temple of Athena. She took this as a slight against her and cursed Medusa to be ugly and turned her into a Gorgon.


Summer Solstice

